Upper Poyraz is along the most beautiful diving spots in Bodrum. The wind is always dominant here and a little bit challenging for boats. Between Poyraz and Upper Poyraz; there are underwater caves and some divers came across with a Mediterranean Monk Seal. One of these cave is even the home of the monk seal which is in the list of endangered species.
The diving spot is recommended only for advanced divers as reefs are opening to open sea. Reef starts at 8-10 meters and follows a slope to 20 meters. If you look for the left of the reef formation then watch out and not drop-off. The bottom starts around 35 meters and goes deeper. Stingray can pop out. Small cavern formations through the Wall is nice to see and also hosts different species from like lobsters, mussels. Sponges are great to see.Sometimes current will be a handicap.